Consider the pivotal role that strategic timing plays in unlocking maximum value for business owners. Timing isn’t just about selling when the market is hot; it’s about orchestrating a well-timed exit that aligns with broader economic trends, industry dynamics, and even personal considerations.
Benefits of SMSFs and why you need one now.
When it comes to securing your retirement, Self-Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSFs) offer control and flexibility.
According to recent data from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), the number of SMSFs has been steadily increasing, reaching over 600,000 funds as of the latest figures. This surge in popularity underscores the appeal of SMSFs in providing greater autonomy over retirement investments.
Setting Goals for the New Year
Business owners have a unique opportunity at this time of year to reflect on their company’s achievements and set the stage for financial success in the upcoming year. Here’s a...
The Printing Advantage
Simple printing strategies that work well to help your business increase sales and turn your clients into delighted raving fans… Use memorable and clever business cards to boost...
Navigating the Art of Selling Your Business
Key Insights you should know before selling your business Every entrepreneur's journey is marked by moments of excitement, challenge, and growth. From the spark of an idea to the...
Minimizing Owner Dependency: A Vital Step in Maximizing Business Value
When it comes to preparing your small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) for sale and optimizing its market value, one significant factor looms large: owner dependency. In the world of mergers and acquisitions, prospective buyers are understandably cautious about investing in a business that is overly reliant on its owner.
Just Looking (A few words of wisdom from marketing guru, Seth Godin.)
Lots of people go to the beach but very few get in the water. 3,000 students go to the football game to watch 20 of their peers play. And we go to a conference to meet people and...
Wage Subsidies Available
Workforce Australia advises that financial support up to a maximum of $10,000 may be available to businesses that hire new staff. Wage subsidies may be available to businesses that hire eligible individuals into ongoing jobs. Wage subsidies can be up to a maximum of $10,000.
‘New era’: Apple dives into ‘spatial computing’ with extended reality headset
Get used to the term ‘spatial computing’ — Apple is going to make sure you start hearing it a lot, as it attempts to overtake Meta in the headset race.
Overnight the tech giant unveiled its long-awaited augmented reality headset — the Apple Vision Pro — as the centrepiece of its annual Worldwide Developers Conference.
Significant Changes Coming to Modern Awards Starting May 1st, 2023
The new shutdown clauses in modern awards will come into effect from 1st May 2023.
The most significant change for many employers will be removing the ability for an employer to direct an employee to take a period of “leave without pay” if that employee does not have enough annual leave accrued to cover the shutdown period.
Some modern awards currently have this provision, although most do not.
Fixed-rate Housing Loans: Monetary Policy Transmission and Financial Stability Risks
The RBA has posted an informative article highlighting the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on fixed-rate housing loans. It found that during COVID, the value of fixed-rate housing loans increased substantially, which has delayed the effect of the higher cash rate on borrowers’ cash flows. A key issue for the economic outlook, and by implication financial stability, relates to the ability of borrowers with fixed-rate loans to adjust to substantially higher borrowing costs when their fixed-rate mortgages expire. Borrowers with expiring fixed-rate loans face large increases in their repayments. Fixed-rate loans have riskier characteristics than variable-rate loans.
Is watermarking AI-generated images going to be enough to identify fakes and deep-fakes?
This is what Google is suggesting they will be doing to help us identify what they call 'synthetic' images. We're not really in a place to know if this will be the best solution....